Islamabad (Monitor sales cell) Finance Minister Asad Umar said that there are 2 / options for the balance of payments, one option is to be bankrupt and if bankruptcy to take another IMF program, the value of the rupee is very low. And investment in the country will be affected, while we will go to IMF and make reforms, the Government will try that there is no burden on the weak class, 21% in the last 7 months of the N League, In our 7 / month increase by 15%, the federal government has decided to crack on massive scale against non-customs pads. According to Geo News, Islamabad Replying to questions of journalists Asad Imran said that the government's resources shall be created where jobs, encourage investment, increase business in the private sector. Tell your brother Zubair that whatever you want to comment, take the correct figures from me, import the tomato from India.